MR. S...
not sure izit you are reading it or not
i just wanna it out!
and i know that u cant read chinese...
i just use my broken english lar...
yoyo yap...
want to say a billion million thank you to you...
to hear from me everytime I'm in trouble.
when sem started...
im emo because of him...
make my life brighten a bit...
make my smile come back for me...
when my phone was stolen
the second person (cat was 1st because...i only remember her number at tat time)
who comes to concern me...
tell me what to do...
when my result is not good...
U told me what the life is it.
how should I make my life beautiful but not sadness...
when I have problems with peers...
U taught me that how to slove it
how to act
how to enjoy my life
eventhought they are not good for me!
when I'm sick
will be my private remimder to "force" me eat regulary
eat medicine on time
(but...sometime i was not that obedient lar)
"ngam" me don't always let the stomach empty
call me drink more water...
and more
and more...
Thank you!
to be my side when I'm really need someone to beside me...
you're always my sunshine...
you're always on my mind...
my dear friend!
I hope...
we would be friend forever...
even Im not really believe that friend will last long...